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  • Writer's pictureDanny Mullins

How to Keep Your Loft Conversion Cool in the Summer

As the mercury rises, keeping your loft conversion cool can become a challenge. This topmost part of your home can quickly turn into a furnace, making it uncomfortable to live in. But worry not, there are several ways to keep your loft conversion cool in the summer, and we are here to guide you through them.

Understanding the Science of Heat

Before we delve into the solutions, it's important to understand why your loft conversion gets so hot. Heat rises, and as the highest point in your house, your loft conversion is the first to bear the brunt of this natural phenomenon. Additionally, the roof of your house absorbs heat from the sun, further increasing the temperature inside your loft.

Understanding this science is the first step towards finding effective solutions. By tackling the root causes, you can ensure that your loft conversion remains cool and comfortable throughout the summer.

Insulation: Your First Line of Defence

Insulation is a crucial factor in maintaining a comfortable temperature in your loft conversion. It acts as a barrier, reducing the amount of heat that enters your loft from the roof.

There are several types of insulation available, each with its own pros and cons. Some popular options include fibreglass, mineral wool, and spray foam insulation. It's important to choose the right type of insulation for your specific needs and budget.

Proper installation is also key. Poorly installed insulation can create gaps where heat can seep in, reducing its effectiveness. Therefore, it's recommended to hire a professional to ensure that your insulation is installed correctly.

Ventilation: Letting the Hot Air Out

While insulation helps to keep the heat out, ventilation helps to let the hot air out. Without proper ventilation, the hot air that rises to your loft conversion has nowhere to go, causing the temperature to rise.

There are several ways to improve the ventilation in your loft conversion. One of the most effective methods is to install roof vents. These vents allow hot air to escape, helping to reduce the temperature inside your loft.

Another option is to install a ventilation fan. These fans help to circulate the air, pushing hot air out and drawing cooler air in. They can be a bit more expensive to install, but they can be very effective, especially in larger loft conversions.

Windows and Blinds: Controlling the Sunlight

Windows play a crucial role in controlling the temperature in your loft conversion. They allow sunlight in, which can help to warm your loft in the winter. However, in the summer, this can cause your loft to overheat.

One solution is to install blinds or curtains. These can help to block out the sun, reducing the amount of heat that enters your loft. There are many types of blinds and curtains available, so you can choose one that matches your decor and budget.

Another option is to install double-glazed windows. These windows have two layers of glass with a gap in between, which helps to reduce the amount of heat that passes through. They can be a bit more expensive, but they can be very effective in keeping your loft cool in the summer.

Using Air Conditioning

While the above methods can help to reduce the amount of heat that enters your loft, they may not be enough on particularly hot days. In these cases, you may need to use air conditioning to cool your loft.

Air conditioning units can be very effective in cooling your loft, and ours aren't particularly expensive to run. For example, it could cost somewhere between 30 to 50p an hour of usage, which is remarkable for air conditioning. I've created a dedicated page containing more information about our air conditioning for loft conversions.

Fans are a cheaper alternative to air conditioning. They help to circulate the air, making your loft feel cooler. There are many types of fans available, from ceiling fans to portable fans, so you can choose one that suits your needs and budget.


Keeping your loft conversion cool in the summer can be a challenge, but with the right methods, it's certainly achievable. By understanding the science of heat, choosing the right insulation, improving ventilation, controlling sunlight, and using air conditioning or fans, you can ensure that your loft remains a comfortable living space all year round.

Remember, each loft conversion is unique, so what works for one may not work for another. Therefore, it's important to experiment with different methods to find the best solution for your specific needs. And if all else fails, don't hesitate to seek professional advice. After all, your comfort is worth the investment.

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